User guide#

This documentation is work-in-progress. The docstring for fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious.readfastq_iter() contains complementary information. The code for the benchmark (see below) is also a good source of information as it can show how to use when compared to other parsers benchmarked.

General idea#

In a nutshell the package provides a function readfastq_iter that accepts:

  • a Python IO stream of FASTQ data

  • a buffer size to parse the the IO stream

  • a callback function to build entries from elements positions in the stream

  • an optional callback function to find the positions of FASTQ elements (header, sequence, quality). The default is a Python implementation, but the package also has an alternative implementation in C for performance.

With a simple uncompressed file and an entryfunc defined in the package it looks like this:

import fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious as fqf
from fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious import entryfunc

bufsize = 20000
with open("a/fastq/file.fq", "rb") as fh:
    it = fqf.readfastq_iter(fh, bufsize, entryfunc)
    for entry in it:
        # Do something with the entry (sequencing read).

File compression is decoupled from parsing. This allows us to have generic code. For example, parsing FASTQ data in a gzip-compressed file does not require changes:

import gzip
import fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious as fqf
from fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious import entryfunc

with"a/fastq/file.fq", "rb") as fh:
    it = fqf.readfastq_iter(fh, bufsize, entryfunc)
    for entry in it:
        # Do something with the entry (sequencing read).

The package even has an automagic file opener that uses file extensions to guess the file format:

import gzip
import fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious as fqf
from fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious import entryfunc

for filename in ('file_a.fq', 'file_b.fq.gz',
                 'file_c.fq.bz2', 'file_d.fq.lzma'):
    with fqf.automagic_open(filename) as fh:
        it = fqf.readfastq_iter(fh, bufsize, entryfunc)
        for entry in it:
            # Do something with the entry (sequencing read).

Any other compression scheme for which there is a Python IO opener can be added easily.

The documentation for the function is:

fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious.automagic_open(filename, openers=None)#

Automagic file opener.

  • filename – A path to a file (presumably a FASTQ file), compressed or not.

  • openers (Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, list]]]) – A mapping between extension names and openers defined as triplets (module name or a namespace, class/function in the module, and tuple with unnamed parameters for the class/function). If None the module-level object FORMAT_OPENERS is used. See details below.

Return type:



A stream object returned by the opener found to match filename.

The automagic opener will guess the file type from this extension. For example, a filename ‘foo/bar.fq.gz’ will be guess to be a gzip-compressed (FASTQ) file. ‘foo/bar.fq’ an uncompressed file. ‘foo/’ a bz2-compressed file.

Extension names for compression schemes present in Python’s standard lib should be understood by default (gzip, lzma, bz2) but it is easy to add additional compression schemes.

Faster with C#

The C-extension has the same API, but is faster. It is made optional to allow the use of fastqandfurious with Pypy or in other situations where building the C-extension is not possible.

For example, reading the same FASTQ file, first without the C-extension speeding the code and second with the C-extension:

import fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious as fqf
import fastqandfurious._fastqandfurious as _fqf
from fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious import entryfunc

bufsize = 20000

for entrypos in (fqf.entrypos, _fqf.entrypos):
    with open("a/fastq/file.fq", "rb") as fh:
        it = fqf.readfastq_iter(fh, bufsize, entryfunc, entrypos=fqf.entrypos))
        for sequence in it:
            # Do something with the entry (sequencing read).


The function fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious.readfastq_iter() is implemented in Python. However, we can achieve with it performance results comparable to the fastest FASTQ parser available in Python (pyfastx) by using buffering and parsing functions able to work with slices of FASTQ files (the buffers). Our approach provides flexibility while that other parser is a monolithic C-extension.

fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious.readfastq_iter(fh, fbufsize, entryfunc=<function entryfunc>, entrypos=<function entrypos>, globaloffset=0)#

Iterate through entries in a FASTQ stream.

  • fh (BinaryIO) – file-like object or stream (just needs a method read)

  • fbufsize (int) – buffer size (see note above)

  • entryfunc (Callable[[bytes, array, int], tuple]) – a function to build an entry object (taking a bytes-like object and an array of positions)

  • entrypos (Callable[[bytes, array, int], int]) – a function to find positions of entries

  • globaloffset (int) –

Return type:

Iterator[Tuple[bytes, bytes, Optional[bytes]]]


An iterator over entries in the FASTQ file.

Entries in the FASTQ files are parsed from chunks of size fbufsize), using the function passed in parameter entrypos. A faster alternative to the default is implemented in C: fastqandfurious._fastqandfurious.entrypos.

With the current implementation, fbufsize must be large enough to contain the largest entry in the file. For example, if the longest read is 250bp long, and the identifier is 25-char long, the minimum buffer size will be about 525. Aiming for that minimum is not advised though, as some of the speed comes for minimizing data copying through the use of buffers. Larger buffers are able to contain many entries which will lead to better performances (with the cave at that very large buffer might be counter-productive if end-to-end entry-level interations is wanted. The iterator will need to read data to fill the buffer (or all data, whichever is the smallest) before starting to yield entries. A value between 20,000 and 50,000 (20KB-50KB) empircally gives pretty good results for short-read sequencing on this end. If the FASTQ file contains PacBio reads bumping this to 200,000 or more (200KB or more) is advised.

entryfunc can be any function taking a bytes-like objects and an array of position (array of signed integers of length 6: header (begin, end), sequence (begin, end), and quality (begin, end). This allows plugging this parser into existing code bases / frameworks very easily.

Use with other libraries#

This parser can also be dropped into an existing code base, or be used with a library you are most familiar with. Only a short adapter code is needed.

For example, to insert it into an existing codebase using biopython’s SeqRecord one only needs to provide an entryfunc that builds entries accordingly:

import fastqandfurious.fastqandfurious as fqf
from fastqandfurious._fastqandfurious import arrayadd_b
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from array import array

def biopython_entryfunc(buf, posarray, globaloffset):
    name = buf[posarray[0]:posarray[1]].decode('ascii')
    quality = array('b')
    arrayadd_b(quality, -33)
    entry = SeqRecord(
                letter_annotations={'phred_quality': quality}
    return entry

bufsize = 20000
with open("a/fastq/file.fq", "rb") as fh:
    it = fqf.readfastq_iter(fh, bufsize,
    for entry in it:
        # do something

Performance by design#

The design is obviously also offering various performance gains by allowing to only build entry components as needed. Whenever entries in a FASTQ file are filtered out is significant number this can reduce the overhead of creating instances for each entry to delete them soon after.

For example, writing a filter on read length could be done with:


def lengthfilter_entryfunc(buf, posarray):
    if posarray[3] - posarray[2] < LENGTH_THRESHOLD:
        return buf[posarray[2]:posarray[3]]
        return None

with open("a/fastq/file.fq", "rb") as fh:
    it = fqf.readfastq_iter(fh, bufsize,
    for sequence in it:
        if sequence is None:
            # do nothing
            # do something

Fetching the positions for the elements of an entry (name/ID, sequence, quality) is also allowing us to store the positions associated with a FASTQ for future use (see the code for fastqandfurious_c_index in fastqandfurious.demo.benchmark).

This is essentially like storing a table of positions:



















Whenever the FASTQ must be used again, that table could be used to quickly extract data elements without having to parse the data again. Where fastqandfurious shines is that there is complete flexibility about how to store such indexes.

That approach opens the door for implementing masking strategies to avoid saving a FASTQ file after each filtering or read-trimming step. Excluding reads or trimming either end of the read could be done by only deleting rows or modifying the values in a table of indices. Assuming that int64 is required for the indices, each entry (read) takes 6x8=48 bytes uncompressed. In comparison each 120 base read (sequence + quality scores) takes over 250 bytes uncompressed.

If having the quality as a sequence of integer ajusted for the eventual offset of 33, there is a also a C utility:

from fastqandfurious._fastqandfurious import arrayadd_b
from array import array
quality = array('b')
arrayadd_b(quality, -33)

The design is obviously also offering various performance gains by allowing to only build entry components as needed. For example, writing a filter on read length could be done with:

def lengthfilter_entryfunc(buf, posarray):
    if posarray[3] - posarray[2] < LENGTH_THRESHOLD:
        return buf[posarray[2]:posarray[3]]
        return None

with open("a/fastq/file.fq", "rb") as fh:
    it = fastqandfurious.readfastq_iter(fh, bufsize,
    for sequence in it:
        if sequence is None:
            # do nothing
            # do something